Saturday, May 29, 2010 HATE running, huh???

Are you secretly wanting to be one of those fit, trim people that "just LOVE" running? I used to spite those people and their little running shorts trotting up and down the sidewalk like they were the happiest people on earth. Well, turns out, they probably are!!:) and if you were like me, spending the first 30 years of life DREADING the treadmill or hitting the pavement then maybe you should try this - it worked for me and maybe it can work for you too!!

First things first...find a partner. A friend, trainer, co-worker, pet - anyone that can keep you on track and motivated to finish the run. My motivation came from a co-worker that asked me to do a 1/2 marathon with her. I had never run more than three miles straight in my life, but since I am unable to say NO to ANY fitness challenge my response was "Awesome! Of course! Can't wait!". Secretly, I was terrified:)...

Next, sign up for an event. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time to train, and make the goals achievable. If you have never even finished a mile run then you probably should not expect to run a marathon in 12 weeks, but, you could to a 5 or 10k and feel pretty good about it!

Find an online training program that fits into your lifestyle. I recommend anything from Hal Higdon. He is realistic and allows days off from running. You do not have to run every single day to train for a race.

Last thing is setting your race goal. Mine was to FINISH..."just finish"..."doesn't matter what your time is"..."you can do this"...I kept telling myself over and over and over.

And guess what??? It worked! Imagine that, I was now one of those people trotting down the sidewalk thinking to myself, "I am such a bad-ass, I just ran a half marathon:)" fft

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